Jyotirmoy Paul
Centre for Planetary Habitability, University of Oslo.
Research interests
2024 - Present
University of Oslo
- Marie Skłodowska-Curie Fellow
University of Bayreuth
- Postdoctoral fellow
2021 Jul - Oct
IISc, Bangalore
- Research Associate
2015 - 2021
IISc, Bangalore
- PhD, Geodynamics
Jadavpur University
- MSc., Applied Geology
Jadavpur University
- BSc., Geology with Mathematics and Physics
Grants received
• Marie Sklodowska–Curie fellowship
Amount: €210,911.04
• University of Bayreuth Independent Research Travel Grant
Amount: €1500
• American Geophysical Union student travel grant
Amount: $ 1000
• Selected for Roland Schlich travel grant for early career scientists by European Geoscience Union
(Carried forward to vEGU21 registration wavier)
• Support Under Special Registration Program (SRSP) in the 36 th International Geological Congress, New Delhi
Amount: $350
• American Geophysical Union student travel grant
Amount: $1000
• Augmenting Writing Skills for Articulating Research (AWSAR), Department of Science and Technology, Govt. of India
Amount $150 USD
• Tata Trust Grant to attend American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, San Francisco
Amount: $2000
• Roland Schlich travel grant for early career scientists by European Geoscience Union
Amount: €700
• American Geophysical Union student travel grant
• Senior Research Fellow, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore
• Junior Research Fellow, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore
• Best poster presentation, 3 rd Young Earth Scientists (YES) Congress, Dar Es Salaam
• Travel grant from International Association of Mathematical Geosciences
Amount: $1000
• YES Network conference grant
Amount: $500
• INSPIRE Scholarship, Department of Science and Technology, Govt. of
India, for being top 1% students in high school board exam
Amount $4200
Academic Achievements
• Institute Gold Medal for the best PhD thesis, Centre for Earth Sciences, Indian Institute of Science, 2025
• Obtained highest grade in PhD course work (7.1/8) at Centre for Earth Sciences, Indian Institute of Science, 2015 academic year
• Obtained second highest marks in Postgraduate batch (82.25%) at Department of Geological sciences, Jadavpur University, 2013- 2015 academic year
• Obtained Third highest marks in Undergraduate Batch (81.7%) at Department of Geological sciences, Jadavpur University, 2010- 2013
• Gold medalist for securing highest marks in undergraduate 1 st and 2 nd year (2010 - 2012), Jadavpur University
• Qualified for National Eligibility Test (NET) for pursing doctoral degree in India: Rank-18 in 2015, Rank 99 in 2014.
• Qualified for Graduate Aptitude Test in Engineering (GATE) for pursuing MTech or higher eduction. (2015), AIR-212, Score- 607/1000
• Stood first in the presidency college Geology undergraduate admission test, 2010
Nature Geoscience
Nature Communications: Earth and Environment
Physics of the Earth and Planetary Interiors
Geophysical Journal International
National Science Foundation (USA)
Synergistic Activities
• Outstanding Student Poster/Pico Presentation contest coordinator for European Geoscience Union Geodynamics division: 2023-current
• Social media co-ordinator: European Geoscience Union, Geodynamics Division: 2019-2021
• Blog Editor: European Geoscience Union, Geodynamics Division: 2020-2021
• Membership: European Geoscience Union, American Geophysical Union
• Conference organisation: Session chair at American Geophysical Union: 2019, 2022
• Student volunteer: American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting: 2018
• Guest-photographer & official instagram handle: American Geophysical Union: 2018-2019
Academic visits
2022 June
Research stay: ETH Zürich
2014 June - July
Industrial experience: Schlumberger, Mumbai
2012/2013 Summer
Research Stay: Indian Institute of Technology, Bombay
Invited Talks
[13] Durgapur Government College, Durgapur [Virtual]
[12] Arizona State University, Tempe [Virtual]
[11] Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore
[10] Structural Geology and Tectonic Studies Group of India’s Monthly Lecture, April [Virtual]
[9] Indian Statistical Institute, Kolkata
[8] Indian Institute of Science Education and Research, Kolkata
[7] Keynote Speaker, German Swiss Geodynamics workshop, Haltern am See
[6] Invited Speaker, American Geophysical Union, San Fransisco
[5] Sabarmati Young Researcher Seminar, Indian Institute of Technology, Gandhinagar
[4] Centre for Earth Evolution and Dynamics, University of Oslo, Oslo
[3] Department of Geology, Presidency University, Kolkata
[2] Bayerisches Geoinstitut, University of Bayreuth, Bayreuth
[1] Invited speaker at Geogle’20 Jadavpur University Geological Society, Kolkata
Peer reviewed journals
[8] J.Paul, A. Spang, A. Piccolo. Hydration weakening and destruction of the North China Craton, (under review)
[7] J. Paul, G. Golabek, A. Rozel, P. Tackley, T. Katsura, H. Fei, 2024. Insignificant effect of bridgmanite-ferropericlase grain size evolution on Earth’s lower mantle viscosity, Progress in Earth and Planetary Science, 11 (64), [doi] [Open access].
[6] J.Paul, C.P. Conrad, T.W. Becker, A. Ghosh, 2023. Convective craton self-compression and its role for stabilization of old lithosphere, 50, e2022GL101842 [doi] [Open access].
[5] J. Paul, A. Ghosh, 2022. Could the Reunion plume have thinned the Indian craton?, Geology, v. 50, p. 346–350 [doi].
[4] J. Paul, A. Ghosh, 2020. Evolution of cratons through the ages: A time-dependent study, Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 531, 115962 [doi].
[3] J. Paul, S. Mondal, R. Kayal, D. Sarkar, 2019. Burrow morphology of the ocypodid crab Ocypode ceratophthalma at Chandipur Coast, Eastern India and its implications. Current Science, 117(4), 699-705 [link] [Open access].
[2] J. Paul, A. Ghosh, C.P. Conrad, 2019. Traction and strain-rate at the base of the lithosphere: An insight into cratonic survival. Geophysical Journal International, 217(2), 1024-1033 [doi].
[1] A.S. Baidya, J. Paul, D.C. Pal, and D. Upadhyay, 2017. Mode of occurrence and geochemistry of amphibole in the Kolihan-Chandmari copper deposits, Rajasthan, India: Insight into the ore-forming process. Ore Geology Reviews, 80, 1092-1110 [doi].
Conference Abstracts
[29] J. Paul, C.P. Conrad, 2025. Slow Thickening of Cratons Has Increased Kimberlite Frequency Over Time, EGU General Assembly, Vienna.
[28] A. Piccolo, J. Paul, A. Spang, 2025. Importance of hydration weakening in the North China Craton destruction, EGU General Assembly, Vienna.
[27] G. Golabek, J. Paul, A. Rozel, P. Tackley, T. Katsura, H. Fei, 2025. Importance of grain size-dependent viscosity for the early and present-day Earth, EGU General Assembly, Vienna.
[26] J. Paul, A. Spang, A. Piccolo, 2024. Importance of hydration weakening in the North China Craton destruction, AGU Fall Meeting, Washington Dc.
[25] J. Paul, G. Golabek, A. Rozel, P. Tackley, T. Katsura, H. Fei, 2024. How does bridgmanite- ferropericlase grain size affect the average lower mantle viscosity? AGU Fall Meeting, Washington Dc.
[24] J. Paul^, A. Spang, A. Piccolo, A. Ghosh, 2023. Craton Weakening and Destruction: A Comparative Analysis of North China and Indian Craton, AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco.
[23] J. Paul, G. Golabek, A. Rozel, P. Tackley, T. Katsura, H. Fei, 2023. Negligible Effect of Bridgmanite-ferropericlase Grain Growth in the Lower Mantle Dynamics, AGU Fall Meeting, San Fransisco.
[22] J. Paul^, A. Ghosh, C. P. Conrad, T. W. Becker, A. Spang, A. Piccolo, 2023Unraveling the Stability and Longevity of Cratons: Traction Patterns, Weakening Processes, and Evolutionary Dynamics, German-Swiss Geodynamics Workshop, Haltern am see.
[21] J. Paul, G. Golabek, A. Rozel, P. Tackley, T. Katsura, H. Fei, 2023. Insignificant Effect of Grain Size Evolution in the Lower Mantle Dynamics, German-Swiss Geodynamics Workshop, Haltern am see.
[20] J. Paul, G. Golabek, A. Rozel, P. Tackley, T. Katsura, H. Fei, 2023. Effect of grain-size evolution on the lower mantle dynamics. EGU General Assembly, Vienna.
[19] J. Paul, G. Golabek, A. Rozel, P. Tackley, T. Katsura, H. Fei, 2022. Modeling Earth’s mantle evolution using olivine and bridgmanite grain growth parameters. AGU Fall Meeting, Chicago.
[18] J. Paul, C. P. Conrad, T. W. Becker, A. Ghosh, 2022. Self-induced craton compression: Po- tential implications for craton stability. AGU Fall Meeting, Chicago.
[17] J. Paul, G. Golabek, A. Rozel, P. Tackley, T. Katsura, H. Fei, 2022. Effect of heterogeneous grain-growth in Earth’s mantle. Ada Lovelace Workshop, H´ev´ız , Hungary.
[16] J. Paul, A. Ghosh, 2021. Thinning of the Indian craton due to Reunion plume eruption. AGU Fall Meeting, New Orleans (virtual).
[15] J. Paul, A. Ghosh, 2021. Effect of the reunion plume eruption on the Indian craton thickness. 6th Rock deformation and structures, virtual mode.
[14] J. Paul, A. hosh, 2021. Interaction of the Indian craton with the Reunion plume. EGU General Assembly, Viena
[13] J. Paul, A. Ghosh, 2020. Understanding deformation of cratons in presence of mid-lithospheric discontinuity. EGU General Assembly, Viena.
[12] J. Paul, A. Ghosh, 2020. On survival of cratonic lithosphere. 36th International Geological Congress, Delhi.
[11] J. Paul, A. Ghosh, 2019. Evolution of cratons in time-dependent mantle convection models. AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco
[10] A. Ghosh, J. Paul, 2019. Effect of Weak Mid-lithospheric Discontinuities on the Survival of Cratons. AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco.
[9] J. Paul, A. Ghosh, 2019. Time dependent 3-D numerical modeling of the cratonic evolution. Ada Lovelace Workshop, Siena, Italy. [Displayed by Grace Shephard in my absence due to visa issue.]
[8] J. Paul, A. Ghosh, 2019. Evolution and survival potential of cratons: A numerical study. IUGG General Assembly, Montreal.
[7] J. Paul, A. Ghosh, 2018. Stability of cratons since early Phanerozoic. AGU Fall Meeting, Washington DC.
[6] A. Ghosh, J. Paul, C.P. Conrad, 2018. The Relation between Tractions and Strain Rate at the Base of the Lithosphere: Key to Understanding Cratonic Stability AGU Fall Meeting, Washington DC.
[5] Paul J, Ghosh A., 2018. Variation of traction and strain rate with lithospheric thickness: An insight into understanding cratonic stability, EGU General Assembly, Vienna.
[4] J. Paul, A.S. Baidya, D.C. Pal, 2015. Origin of alternate amphibole and quartz rich bands in amphibole bearing quartzite from North Khetri Copper Belt, Rajasthan, India, AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco.
[3] A.S. Baidya, J. Paul. and D. C. Pal, 2014. Multiple stages of Amphibole formation in the Chandmari Cu-deposit, Khetri copper belt, Rajasthan: implications for changing fluid compo- sition vis-`a-vis sulfide mineralization, National Conference on Making of the Indian Continent, Presidency University, Kolkata.
[2] J. Paul, 2014. Diversity of Indian climate and its effect on Indian music, 3 rd YES Congress Abstract Volume.
[1] J. Paul, S. Mondal, 2013. Ecological significance of Ocypode crab burrows: A case study from Chandipur, Eastern Coast of India, National Conference on Earth Science in India: Challenges and Emerging Trends, Indian Institute of Technology, Roorkee, Abstract volume.
Book Contributions
[5] Paul J., 2020. How Did the Oldest Part of the Earth still Survive Today?. In: AWSAR Awarded Popular Science Stories: By the Scientists for the people, Vigyan Prasar, Department of Science and Technology, Govt. of India.
[4] Paul J., 2015. Tightly folded quartz vein in dolomitic host rock, Central Indian Suture Zone. Jabalpur, Madhya Pradesh, India. In: Mukherjee, S. (Ed) Atlas of Structural Geology, Elsevier.
[3] Paul J., 2015. Doubly plunging round hinge isoclinals fold in calc-silicate. Central Indian Suture Zone. Jabalpur, Madhya Pradesh, India. In: Mukherjee, S. (Ed) Atlas of Structural Geology, Elsevier.
[2] Paul J, 2015. Folded quartz vein in dolomitic rock showing different geometries of hinge region. Central Indian Suture Zone. Jabalpur, Madhya Pradesh, India. In: Mukherjee, S. (Ed) Atlas of Structural Geology, Elsevier.
[1] Paul, J., 2015. Z-type of buckle fold of amphibole rich layer in metamorphosed granitic host rock. Chhotonagpur Gneissic Complex, Maithon, West Bengal, India. In: Mukherjee, S. (Ed) Atlas of Structural Geology, Elsevier.
Science Communications
[9] Continental drift in academia, 2022. European Geoscience Union, Geoscience division blog. [Link]
[8] Geophysics resource tools for students: Self internship, 2021. Geoscience education. [Link]
[7] Time before plate-tectnics, 2021. Geoscience Education. [Link]
[6] Why many geology students quit their jobs and return to academia? 2021. Geoscience education. [Link]
[5] Cratons! Why are you still here?, 2021. American Geophysical Union, Eos. [Link]
[4] 2021: 100th Year of the craton concept and beyond, 2021. European Geoscience Union, Geody- namics division blog. [Link]
[3] Geoscience in the third world, 2020. European Geoscience Union, Geoscience division blog. [Link]
[2] Experience of a first time attendee, 2018. European Geoscience Union, Geodynamics division blog. [Link]
[1] Deformation Pattern as indicator of structural evolution: Ghatsila-Galudih-Tentuldanga fold belt, Tentuldanga, Jharkhand, Eastern India, Eastern India, 2014. Earth Science India, PI VII(IV) P. 1-8.