Jyotirmoy Paul

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I am a solid Earth geophysicist with a focus on understanding the Earth's dynamic interior. Specifically, my research centers on the evolution of continental cratons, which are the oldest surviving rocks on our planet. To explore this, I develop numerical models of mantle convection to analyze the long-term evolution of these cratons.

Email: jyotirmoy.paul@geo.uio.no


  • 2024 - Present: Marie Skłodowska-Curie Fellow, Centre for Planetary Habitability, University of Oslo
  • 2021 - 2024: Post-doctoral Researcher, Bavarian Research Institute of Experimental Geochemistry and Geophysics (BGI), University of Bayreuth
  • July 2021 - October 2021: Research Associate, IISc, Bangalore


  • PhD, IISc, Bangalore (2015-2021) - PhD Thesis - Supervisor: Prof. Attreyee Ghosh
  • M.Sc, Applied Geology, Jadavpur University (2015)
  • B.Sc, Geology, Jadavpur University (2013)

Recent Publications

Click here for Full list of publications

  • 7. J. Paul, G. J. Golabek, A. B. Rozel, P. J. Tackley, T. Katsura and H. Fei (2024). Effect of bridgmanite-ferropericlase grain size evolution on Earth's average mantle viscosity: Implications for mantle convection in early and present-day Earth. Progress in Earth and Planetary Sciences (in press).
  • 6. J. Paul, C.P. Conrad, T.W. Becker, A. Ghosh, 2023. Convective self-compression of cratons and the stabilization of old lithosphere, Geophysical Research Letters, 50, e2022GL101842, doi:10.1029/2022GL101842.
  • 5. J. Paul, A. Ghosh, 2022. Could the Reunion plume have thinned the Indian craton?, Geology, 50 (3): 346–350.
  • 4. J. Paul, A. Ghosh, 2020. Evolution of cratons through the ages: A time-dependent study, Earth and Planetary Science Letters 531, p.115962..
  • 3. J. Paul, S. Mondal, R. Koyal, D. Sarkar, 2019. Burrow morphology of the ocypodid crab Ocypode ceratophthalma at Chandipur Coast, Eastern India and its implications. Current Science.
  • 2. J. Paul, A. Ghosh, C.P. Conrad, 2019. Traction and strain-rate at the base of the lithosphere: An insight into cratonic survival. Geophysical Journal International, 217(2): 1024-103.
  • 1. A.S. Baidya, J. Paul, D.C. Pal, and D. Upadhyay, 2017. Mode of occurrence and geochemistry of amphibole in the Kolihan-Chandmari copper deposits, Rajasthan, India: Insight into the ore-forming process. Ore Geology Reviews, 80, :1092-1110.